Isopods Chow: Premium Nutrition Mix for Thriving Colonies

Isopods Chow Food Nutrition Mix


SKU 6204


AED 58


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50 Gm Pack
100 Gm Pack


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Product Bio

Elevate your isopod colony's health with Terrafeast premium Isopods Chow Food Nutrition Mix. This carefully crafted blend provides essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support thriving isopod populations in bioactive setups. Our all-natural formula is free from fillers and suitable for all isopod species and life stages, ensuring optimal growth, reproduction, and longevity

Elevate your isopod colony with our Isopods Chow Food Nutrition Mix, a premium blend designed to promote health, vitality, and breeding success. This carefully formulated powder combines high-quality animal and plant proteins, offering a complete nutritional profile packed with essential vitamins and minerals.Our all-natural mix is free from fillers, ensuring your isopods receive only the best ingredients for optimal growth and development.

While our Isopods Chow Food Nutrition Mix serves as an excellent supplemental food source, it's important to maintain a balanced diet by also providing decaying leaves and rotting wood in your isopod habitat. This combination mimics their natural feeding habits and supports a thriving ecosystem.

Feeding Instructions
To maintain freshness and prevent mold growth, follow these guidelines:

- Offer the mix dry in a small feeding station or on the enclosure's dry side.
- Provide only as much as your colony can consume within 24-48 hours.
- Remove any uneaten food that shows signs of molding, adjusting portion sizes accordingly.

Product Features
- Resealable packaging to preserve freshness.
-  Small-batch production: Ensures the highest quality and freshest product possible.
- Versatile nutrition: Suitable for isopods, springtails, and other exotic pets.

Experience the difference our Isopods Chow Food Nutrition Mix can make in your colony's health and vitality. Watch as your isopods eagerly devour this nutrient-rich blend, supporting their growth, reproduction, and overall well-being.

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