Vahl Beach Naupaka-Hawaiian Half Flower-Sea Lettuce for Sale Online | Quick Delivery in the UAE |

Hawaiian Half Flower - Scaevola

Scaevola Taccada

SKU 479


AED 37


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40cm - 50cm

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Default Plastic Pot


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Plant Care


During summer, Water daily or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. During Winter season water once in 2 days or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times, but do not overwater as this will cause brown spots and leaf drop. Curly or dry leaves suggest, the plant is dry and needs watering. Water in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Always check your soil before watering.


During summer season keep the plants in shaded area and during winter season plants can withstand direct/indirect light.


During summer season or when the temperature is above 45°C place the plant in shaded area. During winter season or the when the temperature is below 45°C the plants can be directly placed in direct/indirect sunlight.


Apply liquid fertilizer or slow release fertilizer once in 15 days. Always fertilizer the plants during the morning hours when the temperature is low. For best results use Folikraft ready to use Outdoor Plant Food / Flower Booster.

Plant Bio

Vahl Beach Naupaka, known scientifically as Scaevola taccada, is a coastal shrub native to tropical regions of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, including Hawaii. Also referred to as Hawaiian Half Flower, Sea Lettuce, or Beach Cabbage, this salt-tolerant plant is well-adapted to sandy beaches, rocky coastlines, and other coastal habitats. Here's a description:

Foliage: Vahl Beach Naupaka features leathery, elliptical leaves arranged alternately along its stems. The leaves are dark green, glossy, and have wavy or serrated margins. They are relatively thick and succulent, helping the plant conserve water in its coastal environment.

Flowers: The flowers of Scaevola taccada are unique and eye-catching, resembling half flowers or fan-shaped blooms. They are typically white or cream-colored and have a tubular shape with five petals fused together on one side. The flowers are borne in clusters at the tips of the branches and bloom almost year-round in tropical climates.

Growth Habit: This coastal shrub has a spreading or sprawling growth habit, with branches that can cascade gracefully over sandy dunes or rocky cliffs. It can grow up to 10 feet (3 meters) in height and spread, forming dense, low-growing thickets along the coast.

Habitat: Vahl Beach Naupaka is well-adapted to coastal environments and thrives in sandy soils, rocky shores, and other coastal habitats. It tolerates salt spray, wind, and drought, making it an excellent choice for beachfront landscapes, coastal gardens, or erosion control projects.

Ecological Importance: In addition to its ornamental value, Scaevola taccada plays a vital role in stabilizing coastal dunes and preventing erosion. Its deep roots help anchor sand and soil in place, reducing the impact of waves and storms on coastal ecosystems.

Care Guide for Vahl Beach Naupaka (Scaevola taccada):


Plant Vahl Beach Naupaka in a location that receives full sun to partial shade. It thrives in bright, indirect sunlight and can tolerate direct sunlight in coastal regions. Ensure adequate air circulation around the plant to prevent fungal diseases.


Grow Vahl Beach Naupaka in well-draining, sandy soil with good aeration. It is well-suited to coastal soils that are low in organic matter and may be saline or alkaline. Amend heavy clay soils with sand or gravel to improve drainage and mimic its natural habitat.


Water Vahl Beach Naupaka regularly to establish roots and promote healthy growth, especially during the establishment period. Once established, it is drought-tolerant and requires minimal supplemental watering, relying on rainfall and natural moisture from coastal conditions.


Fertilization is generally not necessary for Vahl Beach Naupaka, as it is adapted to nutrient-poor coastal soils. However, if growing in poor soil or containers, you can apply a slow-release, balanced fertilizer formulated for shrubs or coastal plants in spring or early summer.


Prune Vahl Beach Naupaka as needed to maintain its desired size and shape, remove dead or damaged branches, and encourage bushy growth. Avoid excessive pruning, as this can reduce flowering and disrupt the plant's natural form.


Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as gravel, crushed shells, or coconut husks, around the base of Vahl Beach Naupaka to conserve soil moisture, suppress weeds, and protect the roots from temperature fluctuations. Avoid mulch that retains too much moisture, as this can lead to root rot.

Salt Tolerance:

Vahl Beach Naupaka is highly tolerant of salt spray and saline conditions, making it an excellent choice for coastal landscapes and seaside gardens. It can thrive in proximity to the ocean, where other plants may struggle due to salt exposure.


Propagate Vahl Beach Naupaka from seeds, cuttings, or division. Collect seeds from mature berries and sow them in well-draining potting mix or directly in the ground. Take stem cuttings from healthy, established plants and root them in moist potting mix or water. Divide mature clumps carefully, ensuring each division has roots attached.

Pest and Disease Control:

Vahl Beach Naupaka is relatively pest-resistant and disease-resistant when grown in its optimal coastal habitat. However, it may occasionally attract aphids, scale insects, or mealybugs, especially if stressed. Monitor the plant regularly and treat any infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Container Culture:

Vahl Beach Naupaka can be grown in containers or large pots filled with sandy, well-draining potting mix. Choose a container with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, and place it in a sunny location with good air circulation. Water the plant sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

With its unique flowers, glossy foliage, and salt-tolerant nature, Vahl Beach Naupaka (Scaevola taccada) adds beauty and resilience to coastal landscapes, beachfront gardens, and seaside habitats. Follow these care guidelines to ensure your Sea Lettuce thrives in its coastal environment and enhances the natural beauty of coastal ecosystems. Adjust care practices based on your specific growing conditions and the needs of the plant.

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