Buy European Cherry Seeds Online -

European Cherry Seeds


SKU 5913


AED 13


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Product Bio

Most cherry species are native to the Northern Hemisphere. Some 10 to 12 species are recognized in North America and a similar number in Europe. The greatest concentration of species, however, appears to be in eastern Asia. The native habitat of the species from which the cultivated cherries came is believed to be in western Asia and eastern Europe from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans. Cherries are grown in all areas of the world where winter temperatures are not too severe and where summer temperatures are moderate. They require winter cold in order to blossom in spring. The trees bloom quite early in the spring, just after peaches and earlier than apples.

Cherry pits are not ready to plant immediately. They need to go through a cold period called stratification. To do this, mix them in their container with moist peat moss or sand, and put them in the refrigerator for about 10 weeks. Make sure not to expose them to fruits that produce ethylene gas, such as apples and bananas. Different varieties of cherry may require different periods of stratification.

Why are you doing this? Cherry seeds need to go through a cold or stratification period that normally occurs naturally during the winter, prior to germination in the spring. Refrigerating the pits is artificially mimicking this process.

Okay, seed planting of cherry trees is now ready to commence.

Once stratification is complete, prepare small containers for planting. Fill them with potting soil and plant several pits per container. Place in a sunny site and keep the soil moist but not wet. They will germinate and seedlings appear.

When the cherry seedlings are 2 inches (5 cm) tall, thin them, removing the weakest plants and leaving the sturdiest seedling in the pot.

What you do next with your cherry seedling depends on your region. Most cherry varieties are hardy through USDA plant hardiness zones 5 to 9, depending upon the type. If you live in this range and have the space for it, you can transplant your cherry tree outdoors.

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