Buy Armadillidium Gestroi Isopods in Dubai |

Armadillidium Gestroi Isopods


SKU 6153


AED 168


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Product Bio

Armadillidium gestroi isopods establish moderately slowly in a vivarium, and will act as janitors to keep the vivarium clean, as well as a snack that provides a natural calcium boost. They are very prized in the isopod hobby for their large stature (some over 2cm!) and yellow dots.

Armadillidium gestroi is native to France. They love hiding beneath leaf litter, bark slabs, and substrate. They are quite large as adults, but the younger ones are palatable and are eaten by amphibians, invertebrates, and reptiles. Larger amphibians and reptiles will consume adults as well, but not poison dart frogs. These isopods have a hard, calcified body, and are prized for their rarity and their ornate spotted appearance.

When you buy Armadillidium gestroi isopods from us, you're getting more than just a pet – you're adding a fascinating ecosystem engineer to your miniature world. These isopods play a crucial role in maintaining soil health by breaking down organic matter and aerating the substrate.

Features and Benefits:

  • Easy to care for, perfect for beginners
  • Excellent clean-up crew for terrariums
  • Helps maintain a healthy ecosystem
  • Peaceful and non-aggressive

Care Tips:

  • Provide a humid environment (70-80% humidity)
  • Maintain temperatures between 70-80°F (21-27°C)
  • Feed a varied diet of leaf litter, vegetables, and specialized isopod food

Compatible Plants: Armadillidium gestroi isopods thrive in environments with tropical plants such as bromeliads, ferns, and mosses. They're particularly fond of:

  • Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
  • Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
  • Philodendron species

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