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Alstonia Seeds

Alstonia scholaris

SKU 3969


AED 11


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Product Bio

The seeds are sown in polybags or in beds of size 10 m × 1 m by broadcasting/dibbling method in March to April. Beds are prepared by adding FYM (farmyard manure) and a little sand to improve porosity and drainage.

Seeds should be mixed with fine sand before sowing, either in polybags or in the nursery beds. Mixing with sand helps to avoid germination in clumps. Protection from strong winds is very important, especially in dry localities, as the dry winds are extremely harmful to the tender plants. The seeds start germinating in polythene bags or nursery beds after a fortnight. Seeds remain viable for more than a year, but the percentage of germination declines from 90% to about 40% after one year. When the seedlings in mother beds are about 5–10 cm high, they are picked and transferred to polybags, so that they attain a height of about 30–45 cm in about two months. These seedlings are ready for transplanting during rainy season in refilled pits.

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